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Here are some important SEO tips for bloggers to follow:
1. Focus on unique content only. Even if you are approached by a PR person with the “ready-made” press release or product review for you to “just copy and paste”, take a few minutes to retell the contents of the release with your own words and express your own opinion. This will make your blog voice stronger in the community, your style more recognizable by readers and your content more valuable for search bots. Remember, Google only values unique content!

2. Link to your previously published posts. Search bots discover and index your posts by following links. Thus, before publishing a post, make sure to drill down to your previously published articles, find relevant ones and link to them from within the new content. This will also encourage readers to browse to your older posts and motivate them to stay on your blog (Take advantage of “Related posts” and interlinking plugins to automated the process but don’t forget to link to your posts manually from within the post content as well).

3. Linking to posts on other blogs is another smart idea. Linking is the foundation of your online connections.Bloggers are always eager to know who links to them. They will most surely discover your track backs, go to your website, browse, comment… and also link back to you! So link generously and get discovered (Wordpress plugins like Zemanta and Arkayne could be a great help here as well).

4. Never link to suspicious sites. While linking in general is highly appreciated, linking to “bad neighborhoods” may get you into trouble. What is a “bad neighborhood”? Just a couple of months spent online will teach you. Those are various health- or gambling-related resources which are likely to send a spam email to your inbox. Be careful who you link to.

5. Make sure that your pages are lightweight. Google has started to incorporate the page load speed into its algorithm but that’s not the only reason to care about your page size. Neither people nor search bots will be able to go through your website in full if each page loads terribly slowly. Besides, taking care of your blog load speed isn’t that hard: choose a good reliable hosting provider, make sure your images and files you upload are less than 100K and install some caching plugin (especially if you have a lot of pages already).

SEO is about making your blog easy to go through, visible and useful enough so that even a search bot can understand your main points and find it usable enough to rank high in search results. At the same time you’ll be producing content that people can value and link to. You don’t need to pretend being good – you can achieve much more by actually being good.