Updating information frequently to a website can have a significant increase in the quantity of visitors it receives. Renowned search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN prefer sites that are habitually added with more content.
The benefits of regularly updating your website are as under:
1.Long tail Search Traffic
When a website has regular content it helps in receiving more precise "long tail" keyword searches from search engines that cannot be attracted through regular SEO.
2. Faster indexing
Most search engines catalog news and blog sites faster than normal websites there fore regular updates on websites will determine more frequent traffic and indexed faster by search engine spiders.
3.Generates discussion
Blogs, articles and news often receive comments from interested customers which in turn often creates discussion and user contribution on the website. Comments also become worthy as free content and are often indexed and ranked by search engines.
4. Solicits enquiries
Informative, articulate articles about business, products or services will promote readers to find out about services. This has been a tried and tested method of sales marketing.
5. Promotes community
Comments, inquires on any website encourages interaction between visitors and is often responsible for communities on websites. Visitors will keep coming back for discussion via the website.
6. Repeat visits
When a website has fresh, regular and remarkable content it encourages users to keep coming back. When a website is left inactive there will be no regular traffic.
7. Subscribers
Informative, appealing content on a website can promote subscription to updates via RSS. This makes sure that any new information will mean that potential people are immediately informed.
8. Internal link strength
Regular content will contain links to specific pages which in turn is beneficial to websites internal link strength.
This was the original post posted by Dinesh LG
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