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The most awesome and informative post is only as good as the number of relevant people who see it. Promoting your content is a key element for blog success. If you share your content strategically it will keep your faithful readers returning often and can expand your audience exponentially. Here are a few best practices for getting shared and conversing through social media.

1. Write content that is share-worthy
No one is going to pass along a post that is mediocre. Make sure that you give your readers valuable news and/or perspectives. In short, give them content that they are proud to share and to be associated with.

2. Continuously grow your networks
The sad truth is that as your contacts grow their networks they may lose sight of you. In order to make sure that you always have fresh people paying attention go out and proactively follow/friend request new people who are interested in the content you are sharing.

3. Craft your update carefully -
Avoid cliche words and common sales-pitch terms. Also try alerting them to whom this content is for. People are busy and not everything you share is relevant to everyone.

4. Encourage comments
Posts with a lively comment trail are good for a number of reasons. From a social media perspective you are more likely to get shares from commenters who now feel a part of the post.Comments also confirm to all readers that the post is interesting and worth noting, making them feel better about sharing it with their own networks.

5. Spread out your shares and avoid syncing your networks
If you have a presence on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, don’t syndicate your update across all sites. Chances are that you have people connected to you on more than one platform, and if they see the same content, presented in the same way, they are likely to see you as spammy. Instead craft an update that speaks to the nature of the platform and spread out your sharing across a few hour time-span. (Don’t wait too long though, because even the best
posts can become old fast).

The second part in this series will talk about the other techniques and practices to follow to attract more visitors to your blog.