A good marketing technique is one in which you can successfully market the concerned product or service effectively than the actual product itself.Even the lower quality product can be made popular through effective marketing.There are so many people starting new business and not surviving long enough due to lack of effective marketing of their services.
Why do all the firms do not get success at the same same level.The reason is not so effective marketing.The actual essence of effective marketing is the methods which you employ to make your product reach the masses.After the marketing,which can create certain impression on the buyers,the sales actually depict the amount of goods being sold or services rendered to the customers.
Over the past 10 years, the major revolution in marketing is through the Internet.With the exponential increase in the number of Internet users every day,the impression that you can create through Internet marketing is also significant.The significant rule that applies in Internet marketing is the 80-20 rule,i.e from the 100 people you market through Internet,you can consider 20 people who have a great impression about the product.The main strategies to get to customers more effectively are as under
1.Get up close and personal with the customers and make them feel as they are your true partners and you truly care about their needs.We should satisfy them with right product and services in order to maintain the long term relationship with them.
2.We should work a bit smarter as well.The good firms go for simple marketing techniques and also employ traditional methods to reach the masses and hence do save some money in marketing.
3.Due to advancement in the number of users and the Internet over the past decade,we should always look to take advantage of the technology and the worldwide web.this technology also helps to keep in touch with the emerging trends and new ways to reach masses.
So from above points you must have realised the importance of effective marketing strategies to get hold of more number of customers and to really kick start your business in a healthy manner.
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key marketing strategies for growth
Posted by
Ravi Rai
Sunday, January 10, 2010
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