This is the final installment in the series on how to attract readers to your blog this new year.You can always refer to Part 1, Part 2 and part3 for more details.
19. Guest Bloggers
Try inviting others to write for your blog and thus improve the content over your blog.As more people come to know that you have other good writers writing for your blog then you can always have more people coming to your blog for quality content.
20. Get Links from Other Blogs
Getting mentioned on other sites and blogs in the same niche, I think, has been the best way to get a readership who keeps returning to a blog. Make contact with other bloggers in yoru niche via comments, email, AIM, skype, homing pigeons – whatever.
21. Newsletters
The Zookoda newsletter provides nice spikes and people tend to forward the newsletter to their friends.
22. Social Networks
Submit your story to Digg and reddit and, regardless of whether it makes the front page or not, you get 50-100 free hits. The easiest way to generate quick exposure. Failing that, comment frequently on blogs that you like. With any luck, the blog author will want to find out more about you, follow the link to your blog, and perhaps write a post referencing one of your posts.
23. Pitch Your Posts
I view other bloggers as a PR pros view journalists working in traditional media. I reach out to bloggers using tactics successfully employed in the world of professional media relations. For instance, I “pitch” specific posts that they might find adds value to topics they are writing about. I also send email introducing them to my blog, but only if there’s a good fit between my blog and theirs. The key is to be very selective in approaching the “media gatekeeper”–just as successful and smart media relations people do.
I hope you would have liked and learned important tricks to attract visitors to your site in 2011.Happy new year and merry Christmas.
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